You're right I found an article that stated that since 1988 (which is the first time he met his then 7 year old half brother) he has seen him twice.ahrimen wrote:doug he does know his brother, his brother admits as much and so does he, you are however compleatly missing the point! i dont care what anyone does with thier money any one at all should be able to do anything at all with money they earned, but HE doesnt think that way, HE is telling us to take care of the poor, HE does not! it matters not if he ever met this dude in a hut or the illegal aunt or any other destitute member of his family, before you or i should sheel out a dime, he (and every other rich liberal) should bankrupt himself helping the poor before he ask us to. he doesnt care about the poor, and thats fine with me, but what i do care about is him telling me i got to.
So what you are concerned about is the quote that he made in the church back on December 1, 2006. where he was quoting the story of Cain and Abel. The word "brother" is suppose to mean in the extended sense of the term. He is telling you to take care of the poor the sick and the needy in your community your brothern. Which is what he is also suggesting to do with TAXES. Also he pays taxs and is saying that he will pay more taxes than ever before. I think you missed the point!
Either way stop making me defend Obama!
Obama to Dan: Here you go I am going to lower your taxes and pay more to cover the difference! What do you mean I shouldn't pay more. I am going to spend more. to give your cheaper health insurance that I want the fed. Gov't to regulate, you don't want what you boss offers that is okay cuz if he doesn't conform I will I mean tax him for not going with the flow. and then I will regulate what the doctors can charge and turn this in to socailized medicine and then tax you later to cover the cost via Gas Tax or other maindated taxes cuz I still got to pay the bills, but keep in mind I lowered your Income tax! ;)
McCain to Dan: How bout this I will lower your taxes and lower my taxes and I will start taxing healthcare to help pay for the uninsured and those who can't afford it, but I am going to give you a tax credit of $5,000 which should more than cover you taxes (for now, until I decide that we can't afford the tax credit anymore). And you can go any where with that tax credit and get health insurence. Don't worry about all the people who are going to lose out on group discount plans that your employer may be offering cuz he can't afford to offer it to less people cuz you can take that $5000 and go any where and get health ins.(for now!)
McCain: 1
Obama: 1
Amercian People: -2