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Minimum Wage

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 6:17 pm
by MorGrendel
So we were talking about the trickle down of raising the minimum wage the other day, watch how a $2 wage increase increases Pennsic fees by 15%. I'm not saying, but I'm saying.

Gate Fees for Pennsic 36
By July 2007 the minimum wage in Pennsylvania will increase by $2 per hour
Due to this increase we must raise our prices for Pennsic
These are the amounts due at the gate upon arrival and covers from when you arrive until the end of Pennsic. The amount depends on whether or not you are pre-registered, arrival date (first week or second week) and whether or not you are a member.

NOT Pre-registered
Category July 27 to Aug 2 Aug 3 to Aug 10
gate fee
Due upon arrival gate fee
Due upon arrival
Adult (18 or older) Nonmember $155 $135
Adult (18 or older) Member $130 $110
Minor (6 to 17) $20 $20
Infant (5 or younger) $5 $5


Category July 27 to Aug 2 Aug 3 to 10
gate fee Less Pre-reg Discount Less deposit Due upon arrival gate fee Less Pre-reg discount Less deposit Due upon arrival
Adult (18 or older) Nonmember $155 -$10 -$100 $45 $135 -$10 -$100 $25
Adult (18 or older) Member $130 -$10 -$100 $20 $110 -$10 -$100 $0
Minor (6 to 17) $20 N/A -$20 $0 $20 N/A -$20 $0
Infant (5 or younger) $5 N/A -$5 $0 $5 N/A -$5 $0

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 7:18 pm
by Fritz
Pennsic is run almost entirely by volunteer work. The hospital staff they hire already get paid significantly higher than the minimum mage. The vendors are all independent of Pennsic, so that wouldn't be figured into the cost. The guys that empty the porta-Johns are the only ones that could possibly be affected, but I'm fairly certain they make more than the minimum wage. Plus, I heard rumors AT PENNSIC that they were going to raise prices for 2007. They're just using it as an excuse to get more money out of us. If they play the "government conspiracy" card they get to look blameless when they stuff their kingdom treasuries.

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 11:00 am
by MorGrendel
Maybe so, but if the food court prices go up significantly, we will definitely feel the hit. If I I end up paying $7 for a bread bowl, and $2 for a tea, you can bet I'll be eating in camp more.

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 3:52 pm
by ahrimen
its not that the people who work at p. are being paid minimum wage. or even the services they contract out for, its the fact that UNIONS! who do most of the sub-contractin for the services that they use, will force the thoes companys to increase pay for union workers........ union workers pay, though not minimum wage (oviously), is directly affected by the minimum. the only people who actualy make minimum wage in this country are paper boys and a very few fast food workers. the whole minimum wage thing is a union/democrate ploy. find me 1 single mom who makes minimum wage... you cant

God i love dems..........