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Storvik Baronial Birthday Sept 17-19

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 11:47 am
by lilkender
At the urging of Pope Innocent III, thousands of troops marched into southern France in 1209, bent on crushing the Cathars, a Christian sect that defied many of the teachings on the Catholic Church. The result was a twenty-year campaign that trenched Languedoc in blood and caused the deaths or dislocation of thousands of civilians, Cathar and Catholic alike.

This year's Storvik Baronial Birthday will whisk its heavy fighters back to those days in sunny southern France and places whose names echo through the ages: Beziers, Toulouse, Carcassonne. As in years past, the heavy fighting will consist of a branched melee campaign with two teams, the crusaders and the Cathars. Commanders will work with a campaign map to choose their routes, choose their ground, and the results of previous scenarios will influence later ones. The day will be filled with all the fighting you can handle, and there will be a minimum of down time. The fighting will start on time. The coveted battle map will be awarded to the most valuable unit as determined by the marshals watching the combat. In years past we have had large-scale participation from groups in the East and all over Atlantia. You can expect a large turnout.

Northern Atlantia is a treasure trove of gifted rapier fighters, and you can expect the rapier fighting to be of high quality as well. We encourage baronies and households to gather their units. There will be target archery and youth combat as well.

Save the date: September 16-18, 2011
MIC/Heavy Marshal: Lord Joselin d'outremer
For more information regarding fighting activities, please contact Joselin d'outremer at joselindoutremer <at>

For other information, please contact the autocrat, Kunigunde von Darmstadt (Kender), at lilkender AT

Re: Storvik Baronial Birthday Sept 17-19

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 11:56 am
by lilkender
Cost will be only $8 if you pre-register (10 at the gate). No extra fee for camping. Lunch is not included but I'm trying to find a group to prepare a lunch (so only those who want to eat it will pay for it). Feast will be $10.

Pre-reg isn't open yet, but if Galatia pre-reges a number of people I'll save the spot up behind the picnic pavilion for you, where you were last year.

Re: Storvik Baronial Birthday Sept 17-19

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 12:26 pm
by MorGrendel
I'm in.

Re: Storvik Baronial Birthday Sept 17-19

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:03 pm
by hypo
what is the non-member fees (pre-registered and not)?

Re: Storvik Baronial Birthday Sept 17-19

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 2:35 pm
by hypo
Theresa here is the link to the info about Storvik Baronial Birthday: ... d=c44c2421

I am planing on camping Saturday with the wife and kids.

Re: Storvik Baronial Birthday Sept 17-19

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 2:51 pm
by MorGrendel
Friends, One last reminder that the Albigensian Crusade is coming to theStorvik Baronial Birthday this weekend. The heavy fighting willconsist of a branched melee campaign with the grand prize being abeautiful map of the terrain over which we are fighting (Provence)awarded to the unit that most impresses the marshals. Bonus points tobaronial units of more than five people! Fighting will start on time.

Authorizations begin at 10 and the melees start at 11 SHARP. TheMarshal-in-Charge does not believe in SCA time, but uses a devicecalled a watch, so please come early and make sure you're armored upand ready to go when the cannon sounds! We have exciting days planned for target archery and rapier as well.

For more information, please see: ... d=c44c2421 Note: We are still seeking a youth marshal, so it is not yet clear ifwe will have youth fighting available.
Your servant,Joselin d'outremer, Marshal in Charge

Re: Storvik Baronial Birthday Sept 17-19

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 2:53 pm
by MorGrendel
No surprise, we missed the prereg window.

Re: Storvik Baronial Birthday Sept 17-19

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 3:01 pm
by hypo
Just spoke with Kender. Still camping space for us.

Re: Storvik Baronial Birthday Sept 17-19

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 3:41 pm
by hypo
Got same message from Little Kender about not having anyone to coordinate camping spaces and that we should have someone go up on Friday to claim our spot.

Re: Storvik Baronial Birthday Sept 17-19

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 5:39 pm
by boagrius
Head count. I have 2 guys who are meeting at my house at 8:30am just to come and watch us fight. If we don't show in numbers... for shame.

Re: Storvik Baronial Birthday Sept 17-19

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 8:09 pm
by ahrimen
i will be there!

Re: Storvik Baronial Birthday Sept 17-19

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 7:19 pm
by ahrimen
my fam> is camping (thats the plan anyway) and i got ray and lunchbox to go and auth.

Re: Storvik Baronial Birthday Sept 17-19

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 10:36 pm
by MorGrendel
Alright, with the warlord's plate full, I'm assuming control of this war.

If I have this right, no one for friday.

Saturday Fighting:

Jason? (if local)
Ray (if Authorized)
John (if authorized)
Thomas - I assume, but chime in brother.
Serban - In his words "We'll see"
Rachel has been sent a personal invite, I await her response.

Clayson is working.

Chris will have two guests. Let's make them feel welcomed
I reached out to Blain and Gregor, I'll update. I need Loaner Tabards! I'm not sure where my extras are, but I can not locate any. I'd hate to fall short here.
Reached out to Brian, I'll update.

Do John and Ray have their own gear, right? DO NOT CALL ME FRIDAY! Everyone, mention the Web site, A LOT, this weekend. Let's get them on.

Re: Storvik Baronial Birthday Sept 17-19

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 10:44 pm
by MorGrendel
Sat Night:
I still have not gotten tires, so I am wary on hauling too much. Anyone willing to haul stuff? Caravan?
I have not heard too much chatter about Fry night, are we doing it?
If we do, I recommend we shoot more towards desserts as there is a feast earlier.
Who's bringing what foodwise for the fryer?

Who is camping?
Dan fam, Doug fam, My fam.
Anyone else?

Should I bring the gate?
Did we ever locate the walls?

Even if you don't know, run it by me so I can plan logistics. Thanks.

Re: Storvik Baronial Birthday Sept 17-19

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 7:19 am
by Thomas Fitzcharles
Good Day, All.

I'll be there if the waters don't rise and the trees don't fall.

