Kaliban did what? :)
Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 10:26 am
Hello one and all
So No shit there I was....
Last day of Faire
Last Joust of the day
After announcing the winners of the tournament there's a request to speak..
So there's *Bill* (*Kailban*) on his Claudell, he ride up to the announcer
and with a weak and broken voice he asks *Kara* (*crazy cool girlfriend of
way too many years*)
will she take him as her husband......... O_o
A hush decends across the field of play and then a scream of "*Yes*" or "*Hell
Not sure because of distance to us in the cheap seats
but was followed by a dismount, a hug and then a kiss
So there you have it
Now who's ready for the *Bachelor party*?
because we now have to *Kill Bill*........ with booze
You had to be there to believe it.. That a Man can cry
So No shit there I was....
Last day of Faire
Last Joust of the day
After announcing the winners of the tournament there's a request to speak..
So there's *Bill* (*Kailban*) on his Claudell, he ride up to the announcer
and with a weak and broken voice he asks *Kara* (*crazy cool girlfriend of
way too many years*)
will she take him as her husband......... O_o
A hush decends across the field of play and then a scream of "*Yes*" or "*Hell
Not sure because of distance to us in the cheap seats
but was followed by a dismount, a hug and then a kiss
So there you have it
Now who's ready for the *Bachelor party*?
because we now have to *Kill Bill*........ with booze
You had to be there to believe it.. That a Man can cry